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Buckingham Pool Closed

Published: June 15, 2017

Due to unforeseen circumstances that recently took place at the Buckingham pool, the pool will be closed until further notice. We understand that with the summer heat being upon us this may be an inconvenience however, the Association needs this time to perform a routine review all safety measures in place to ensure a safe swimming environment is maintained for all homeowners and guests. A notice will go out once the pool is ready to reopen. Please communicate to your household to utilize the Spyglass pool for now. The capacity at the Spyglass pool will be monitored throughout the day. The monitors will be making sure that everyone is following the rules so all ages can enjoy the pool.

We ask your cooperation during this time as it is determined how quickly the pool will open.

Essex Association Management L.P. Managing Agent
On Behalf of Windmill Farms Association, Inc.

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